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Las Lajas

Las Lajas

Regular price £19.00
Regular price Sale price £19.00
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If 'bright' coffees are your thing - you need to check this out.

Las Lajas is a small farm in Costa Rica, ran by third-generation producers Oscar & Francisca Chacón. We're not exaggerating when we say that this coffee is ✨bright✨.

'Alma Negra' admittedly is not a term we had come across before. The reference is to the type of drying process that the cherries undergo post-harvest.

As it turns out, Las Lajas actually have 3 different types of natural drying!

With Alma Negra coffees, the cherries are dried on a patio, where workers then flip the crust that forms rather than raking it into rows. This method has shown to provide them with more consistent results lot to lot. With this process, they manage to use only one cubic meter of water per day, which is rested in a pond for a day to be cleaned before being released back into the land. The cherries are frequently turned during the day and gathered at night, aiming to achieve a particularly intense, sweet, and fruity aroma profile.

In the cup, expect a profile that reminds you of Lemon Sherbet, Granny Smith Apple, Coconut and Tequila.


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