Nestor Lasso - Kawa

Another peach of a coffee from Nestor Lasso in Colombia.

If you've subscribed with us for any length of time, you'll be no stranger to Kawa as a roastery. It's been a joy to showcase many of their coffees over the years.

Started in 2016 by Alexis Gagnaire with a vision to bring higher level specialty coffee into the mainstream Parisien market, Kawa has developed into a roasting powerhouse which has mastered the art of scaling quality. It's a little mind blowing, knowing the volume of coffees they roast monthly, that they're able to consistently maintain an exceptional level of coffee quality, and for that we applaud them.

If you ever get the chance, their cafés in Paris are well worth a visit. You'll be able to enjoy many of the top coffees from their offerlist served in a friendly and professional manner. We also have to note - the aesthetics are immaculate.

The coffee we have selected is a ferment-heavy natural with excelling sweetness across all brewing methods. The roast profile is 'omni' which, from brewing with Kawa's omni profiles before, is a true omniroast. This is still very much a lightly roasted coffee, but in this case it has been roasted to promote and highlight the coffee's sweetness above all else. We think the results in the cup are really delicious.

Filter Coffee

Dose : 16g

Yield : 240g

Contact Time : 2.15min-2.30min

Water Composition : Third Wave Water (50% Dilution) into de-ionised or distilled water. 0.9g/5L minerals to water.

Water Temperature : 90°c

Grind : 23 clicks on a Commandante C40

Brewer: Testing was conducted using an Origami M Dripper with Cafec Abaca+ paper filters.

We found the profile to be stone fruit heavy, with prominent apricot both aromatically and in taste. Interestingly, as with many of El Diviso's 2024 lots, this is an exceptionally clean coffee. There is an underlying nuttiness to the profile, but it's subtle and in no way overpowers the taste exerience.

We've used a slightly lower water temperature than we'd normally use. The reason for this is that, in testing, we found this roast profile to be ever so slightly more developed than we would typically buy. This is not a negative, or bad thing - roasting is complex and we enjoy the final result in the cup, but adaptations have been made to suit and highlight the roast profile in brewing.


Dose : 20g

Yield : 44g

Contact Time : 22s-24s

Water : Third Wave Water (70-80% Dilution) into de-ionised or distilled water. 1.4-1.5g/5L minerals to water.

Grind : Vastly dependent on your grinder.

Brewer : Testing was conducted using a La Marzocco Linea PB with Pesado 'High Extraction' baskets and Swork Design billet shower screens. Pressure 7.5 bar.