Mundayo Estate - Kawa

One of the last Ethiopian lots we'll feature in 2024!

If you've subscribed with us for any length of time, you'll be no stranger to Kawa as a roastery. It's been a joy to showcase many of their coffees over the years.

Started in 2016 by Alexis Gagnaire with a vision to bring higher level specialty coffee into the mainstream Parisien market, Kawa has developed into a roasting powerhouse which has mastered the art of scaling quality. It's a little mind blowing, knowing the volume of coffees they roast monthly, that they're able to consistently maintain an exceptional level of coffee quality, and for that we applaud them.

If you ever get the chance, their cafés in Paris are well worth a visit. You'll be able to enjoy many of the top coffees from their offerlist served in a friendly and professional manner. We also have to note - the aesthetics are immaculate.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to source Ethiopian coffees of a high quality but also an accessible price point. For the money, this is probably the best lot we've tasted so far this season. A clean, naturally processed heirloom excelling in qualities like soft peach, grapefruit-like acidity and a tea-like mouthfeel.

Filter Coffee

Dose : 15g

Yield : 255g

Contact Time : 2.15min-2.30min

Water Composition : Third Wave Water (50% Dilution) into de-ionised or distilled water. 0.9g/5L minerals to water.

Water Temperature : 93°c

Grind : 24 clicks on a Commandante C40

Brewer: Testing was conducted using an Origami M Dripper with Cafec Abaca+ paper filters.

In testing, there is a prominent grapefruit-like acidity present in the cup, pretty much irrespective of how you brew it. On cooling, expect the traditional tea-like mouthfeel we've come to expect from Ethiopian lots, coupled with mellow sweetness reminding us of stewed peaches and vanilla pods.


Dose : 17g

Yield : 42.5g-43.5g

Contact Time : 22s-24s

Water : Third Wave Water (70-80% Dilution) into de-ionised or distilled water. 1.4-1.5g/5L minerals to water.

Grind : Vastly dependent on your grinder.

Brewer : Testing was conducted using a La Marzocco Linea PB with Pesado 'High Extraction' baskets and Swork Design billet shower screens. Pressure 7.5 bar.

Ethiopian coffees tend to excel in what we identify as 'cleanliness.' What we mean by this is that individual qualities and flavour characteristics tend to be easily identifiable. With that in mind, we favour a longer yield shot, sacrificing body/texture to enhance the perception of clarity.

You'll enjoy some delicious shots with this coffee! Perhaps, it is better suited to being enjoyed black as opposed to through milk, but we'll let you be the judge of that.